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Consular/Visa Service

Working Holiday Programme

  1. Consular/Visa Service
  2. Working Holiday Programme

    Working Holiday Programme

    ※ All visa application must be done in person. Please read the below information thoroughly and if you have more inquiries please contact the Embassy at irekoremb@mofa.go.kr

    ※ 한국인의 아일랜드워킹홀리데이 관련 문의는 주한국아일랜드대사관으로 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.
    Please contact Irish Embassy in Korea for inquiries related to Working Holiday Programme for Korean nationals.


  • The Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of Ireland have established a Working Holiday Programme between the two countries. Coming into effect on 9 March 2010, the Programme is expected to provide greater opportunities for Korean and Irish nationals to appreciate the culture and way of life of the other country, with the purpose of promoting mutual understanding between both peoples. This Programme allows Korean and Irish nationals to enter the other country primarily to holiday for an extended period of time and engage in employment as an incidental aspect of their holidays.
  • As of 29th March 2023, Ireland and Korea will exchange 800 person each per year for the Working Holiday programme and the age will broaden to those between 18 and 34.

Working Holiday Visa (H-1)

  • Working Holiday Visas are multiple entry visas and are valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issue. The maximum stay permitted on the basis of a Working Holiday Visa, from the initial date of entry into Korea, will be 12 months without the possibility of extension.
  • Working Holiday Visas will be issued for up to 800 Irish people each year.
  • Working Holiday Visa holders may register in training or study courses, in particular Korea language courses, for a period of up to 6 months, during their visit to Korea.
  • The primary purpose of Working Holiday Visas is for individuals to holiday in the respective countries, with employment being an incidental rather than the primary reason for a visit. Therefore, Working Holiday Visas are not appropriate for those wishing to enter Korea to engage in full-time employment. Especially, individuals who wish to work as English instructors must change their visa status into E-2 visa.
  • To learn about the types of work you can do, and find other useful information, please visit the Working Holiday Information Center website: https://whic.mofa.go.kr/contents.do?menuNo=90&contentsNo=38
  • To view the full MOU between Ireland and Korea, please click here.


  • Applicant Prerequisites

    Working Holiday Visa will be issued to those who meet the following requirements;

    • is an Irish national who is ordinarily a resident in Ireland
    • is aged between eighteen (18) and thirty (34) years, both inclusive, at the time of application
    • satisfies the visa officer that his/her primary intention is to holiday in the Republic of Korea with employment being an incidental rather than the primary reason for the visit
    • is not accompanied by any dependants, children, spouse, or partner
    • holds a valid Irish passport
    • possesses a return ticket or enough money to buy such a ticket
    • has enough money for his/her maintenance during the initial period of stay in the Republic of Korea, at the discretion of the relevant authorities
    • pays the prescribed visa application fees
    • agrees to hold medical and comprehensive hospitalization insurance to remain in force throughout his/her stay in the Republic of Korea
    • has no criminal record
  • Where to Apply
    • Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Dublin
    • Address : 72 Merrion Square South, Dublin 2, Ireland
    • Online appointment must be made before visiting the Embassy. (click)
  • Required Documents (Additional documents and interview may be requested)
    • Valid passport (Minimum 6 months before expiration, Date of expiry must cover the period you plan to stay in Korea.)
    • Completed visa application form (click)
    • Photograph (taken within the last 3 months, 3.5cm*4.5cm, colour)
    • Round-trip ticket or Evidence that enough money to buy the ticket
    • Original bank statement issued within the last 3 months (Evidence that enough money to pay for at least 3 months in Korea)
    • Schedule and plan of trip (click)
    • Certificate of graduation or School letter (Must be affixed with apostille by the Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland)
    • Criminal Background Check/Police Certificate (Must be affixed with apostille by the Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland)
    • ○Original medical insurance or Travel insurance (including medical cost) covering duration of stay(1year) in Korea : Must include details of coverage
    • Fee (card payments)

General Visa issuance information

  • Visa process time, Download visa application form etc. (click)

COVID requirements

  • For people departing from Ireland, there are currently no pre-departure PCR test required, and no mandatory post-arrival quarantine required. However, rules may change depending on transit country. (click)

Following Visa Issuance

  • Working Holiday Visa holders must register with a local immigration office or branch office within 90 days of arrival in Korea.

Contact Detail

  • For further information, please contact the Embassy of Republic of Korea in Dublin.
  • The contact details are as follows.
  • Tel : (353-1) 609-9111
  • Fax : (353-1) 609-9126
  • Email : irekoremb@mofa.go.kr

Announcement to Employers in Ireland, hiring Korean working holiday participant

  • Korean participants of Working Holiday are granted Stamp 1 visa by the Irish Government, which entitles them to casual work of up to 39 hours a week.
  • For more information, please contact the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service ( https://www.irishimmigration.ie/)